Mojo AI’s Ultimate List of Safety Resources for 2024 

As a Safety Pro navigating always-evolving industries and situations, from time to time you may ask yourself: “How the hell do I find the time to learn new things?” 

In addition to developing new ideas and skills on the job, we recommend having a few professional resources in your back pocket. The world of safety is massive, enveloping thousands of industries and disciplines. Whether you’re working on a fracking operation or building elementary schools, it’s likely there’s at least one place online you can turn to for tips, tricks, and professional development advice. 

But who has the time to look around themselves when they’re busy with managing a safety culture onsite? We do, apparently. Below, we’ve gathered a list of some of our favorite news sites, podcasts, and organizations to turn to for information. Each one was picked for their ability to provide information in a clear, easy-to-understand way for anyone, including beginners and pros. 

Whether you’re driving to work or have a few minutes to kill during lunch, each of these picks will help you refine your role as a Safety Pro. First up, our top 8 picks and why we chose them. 

Top News Site: Safety+Health Magazine 

Safety+Health Magazine is a publication managed by the National Safety Council and offers weekly news and updates for high-risk industries like construction, manufacturing, agriculture, and firefighting. If your job has an inherent risk to it, Safety+Health will likely cover it. As implied by their name, they offer a monthly publication on their site in both print and digital versions. 

Other great additions include a collection of webinars, safety tips, and newsletters that deliver information directly to you. The best part? Everything mentioned here is free. If you could only pick one site, you wouldn’t be wrong to pick Safety+Health. 

Top Organization to Follow: ASSP 

As a Safety Pro, you’d be doing yourself a disservice by not getting involved with the American Society of Safety Professionals. The ASSP has a long-standing reputation of providing high-quality education and helpful resources to all safety professionals, no matter their industry. Their online site offers free news updates, training resources, research publications, and information on how to get involved in the wider safety community. 

The ASSP also offers other resources for Safety Pros who join the society. This includes networking opportunities across the globe, a subscription to Professional Safety, and career support to help those in need find new jobs. Other offerings include research grants and student growth resources, both geared towards improving the industry and training the next generation of safety professionals. 

Top Government Organization to Know: OSHA 

Whether you’re new to the industry or have an established career, it would serve you well to become as familiar with OSHA as possible. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is one of the primary governing bodies responsible for establishing and enforcing safety standards across all industries nationwide. As a Safety Pro, you’ve likely had your fair share of interactions with OSHA. But did you know they don’t just tell you what to do and how to do it? 

On top of establishing safety practices, OSHA also offers news updates, training and certification help, and reports for sectors like Construction and Oil and Gas. If you need information on recordkeeping or the safety programs available to you and your crew, OSHA’s site should be on your list of resources. 

Top Influencer: The HOP Nerd 

Want to learn from another Safety Pro who helps others improve their craft? Check out The HOP Nerd, Sam Goodman. Sam is an Arizona-based safety consultant offering resources and advice for high-risk industries. His website has a ton of tools and resources you can use to learn and grow, including books, articles and a podcast. His content regularly involves other Safety Pros too, giving you the most bang for your buck when it comes to learning from a wide variety of people. 

Top Podcast: The Case for Safety Podcast 

The Case for Safety Podcast is brought to us by the ASSP, so it’s no wonder they’d be one of our top picks. Favoritism aside, this podcast features interviews with real Safety Pros as they discuss relevant everyday topics relevant to high-risk industries. Each episode is less than 30 minutes, and covers big issues like Artificial Intelligence in safety, OSHA compliance, and how to not kill yourself while climbing a ladder. We’d highly recommend giving it a listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. 

Top YouTube Channel: Provoking Safety 

Provoking Safety is ran by Kevin Barrett, a real-life Safety Professional from Calgary, Canada with the goal of inspiring safety leader Mentality. His videos are short, conversational, and dive into bigger issues like overcoming Safety Cops, using tools to improve your work, and inspiring others to do their best work. Kevin’s channel also hosts his Safety Meeting podcast, giving you options for learning throughout your day.  

Top Scholarly Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health 

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health is a research organization housed within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention dedicated to researching workplace safety. If you’re looking for peer-reviewed studies and academic resources for any industry, this is a good place to start. Their site offers massive libraries of data, statistics, publications, and topical information on illnesses, injuries, emergency response, and safety practices. Whatever you need, they probably have it. 

Top Tool: Reddit 

Reddit has communities for almost everyone, and it is your number one place to connect and learn with other Safety Pros. There are a few subreddit message boards you can get started with, including r/SafetyProfessionals and r/WorkplaceSafety. These growing communities are geared mostly towards asking questions about safety implementation, OSHA standards and career growth, and will always offer nuggets of information from real Safety Pros. 

And there you have it! If you enjoyed checking out our list of safety resources, consider checking out Safety Mojo. Our Artificial Intelligence-powered safety management app is designed to simplify and strengthen your existing safety program with OSHA-compliant forms, automatic safety alerts and real-time data analytics.  

Want to see how Safety Mojo can improve your jobsite safety? Request a free demo today. 

Safety Resources: The Full 50+ List 

Our list of resources is so big, you’d be here all day reading what we like about each one. We recommend jumping in and checking out what they have to offer for yourself.  

News, Guides, and Training Services:  

Safety Organizations: 

Government Offices: 

Safety Influencers: 

YouTube and Podcasts: 

Other Networking Platforms and Tools: 

  • LinkedIn (Requires a free account) 
  • ChatGPT (beware of AI hallucination — always double check answers for accuracy) 

Scholarly Sources: 

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